Network Softwares
Samagraph Company with it's expert and technical team has the ability to analysis, outlines and performance different network projects in each size.
Some of the abilities of this company is to launch local networks, centralized customer management system with master cards ,launch secure networks and producing ordered softwares for transformation, encoding and decoding information.
These are some network projects :
To operate the mail server
To operate different web services
To operate personal networks between the offices
Web Design & Developement
according to the importance of a website to introduce a company,Samagraph has three teams for designing websites.
Graphical design team
Client side coding team
Analysis and programming team
According to the professional vision to designing websites, The samagraph Company has the ability to make each kind of professional website in each size.
Financial and administrative Automation
Samagraph Company with it's expert and technical team has the ability to analysis, outlines and performance different network projects in each size.
Some of the abilities of this company is to launch local networks, centralized customer management system with master cards ,launch secure networks and producing ordered softwares for transformation, encoding and decoding information.
These are some network projects :
To launch the mail server
To launch different web services
To launch personal networks between the offices
Amazon Online Shopping Center
Amazon Online Shopping Center is the biggest internet market in the world that has branch and store in most big cities in the world.
One of the important polities of Amazon is to involve other companies in it's sales system and it causes indirect income for the company.
Samagraph has a direct panel from Amazon so it has the ability to perform any kind of shopping project connected to Amazon.
For more information call the central office.
آخرین زمان به روز رسانی:
2 مهر 1391